For you and Planet BLUE
In every BWT division, humankind and our planet come first.
In every BWT division, humankind and our planet come first. Our motto “For You and Planet Blue” has left its stamp on all our all our activities for many years and is more relevant today than ever before.
BWT’s research and development team have always worked with state-of-the-art methods, innovative processes, and new materials to develop products that are both ‘green’ and cost-effective. In so doing, we strive to minimise the amount of equipment and energy consumed by the products wherever possible, thereby reducing CO2 emissions.
To achieve this aim, BWT has been investing in the development of fuel cell membranes at BWT FUMATECH for more than two decades. Back then, alternative sources of energy were being ridiculed, climate change was a mere talking point among a few scientists, and hydrogen was entirely unknown as an alternative form of energy. The situation was similar to the issue around plastic, where we humans have turned a blind eye for years, but which is now finally entering our consciousness.
BWT reached a milestone 15 years ago when it developed small, compact devices to treat locally available water, while today we have introduced the innovative “Bottle Free Zone” concept, offering products that enable consumers to enjoy better tasting water both sustainably and more conveniently in their everyday lives. It’s a ‘win-win’ for both humans and the environment.